Friday, June 6, 2008

Cinco Sinko

  So the end finally came.  Five years.  Five God damn years.  He thought that no matter what, they could always work things out.  Heck, even with all her faults, like drinking too much, being selfish, twisting the truth from time to time and her ever changing moods, he thought there wasn't anything they couldn't overcome.  He loved her and he knew she loved him too.  
    So he comes home early one night and catches her in bed with some Joe.  He snaps and breaks this guys nose.  As he stands over the guy, whose in a fetal position holding his bloodied nose, and he knows its over.  Just like that.  One minute he's living with the girl he loves and in an instant, without warning, its over.
  What really chapped his hide about the five years, was that they weren't just any five years. He'd been with her since he was twenty two till he was twenty seven.  Shit, those are a man's prime fucking years.  He could just kick himself for all the times he resisted temptation, and there had been many times when the opportunity for some action came his way.  He'd been faithful every single day of those five years.   
  A few days later, he sends her a letter.  She is now living with this 'Joe'.  In the letter he writes, 'I never want to see you again.  That means NEVER!  You are a pretentious, rude, vindictive person.  I should have listened to what my friends have been telling me for years.  None of them ever really liked you.  They would tell me you weren't the right person for me.  I wouldn't listen because i was blinded by love.  Deep inside I knew you were shit, but I always hoped that deep inside you, there was goodness waiting to mature and show itself.  I could care less now.  If you ever see me at a bar, restaurant or any other public place, you are to leave immediately.  You need to return all my cd's, books, tee shirts and whatever else you might have of mine by the end of the week.  You are never to call my sister.  I know you guys have become chummy, but that's over.  I'll be talking with her tomorrow and I know she'll just flip when I tell her what you did.  And stay away from my friends.  Do these four simple things and everything will be groovy.  And why will you do what I'm asking?  Simple.  I've got five years of visual records of our bedroom olympics.  I could care less who sees my cock or my ass.  Remember, I'm the one who's more comfortable with their body.  I will not hesitate in sending your parents and friends these pictures.  So, do we have a deal?  Return my shit and stay out of my sight and out of my life.  A year from now, if all my conditions are met, I promise i will destroy all the pictures.  You've got my word on it and you know I keep my word.  So I guess that's it'.    

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