Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So, another birthday rolled around for me yesterday (5/20). Lets see, how many does that make now? 50. Geez, when you see it in print, it looks like a big number. I feel nowhere near 50. One of these days I'll start acting my age but I don't see that happening anytime soon. As far as birthdays go, I guess 50 is pretty much a milestone. I guess that's old in most people's eyes, except those of us who are near 50 or past 50. Old or not, I wouldn't trade being 50 to being in my 20's or 30's. I see life so differently nowadays. I have little tolerance for life's bullshit, my priorities have made major rearrangements and I look back at so many things I wish I could have done differently. If I were to die tomorrow, I wouldn't have any reason to complain. I've lived a life that has been over blessed. I thank my lucky stars daily for being so fortunate. I hope to live for many, many more years and I hope that I am able to retain all the memories of all the people that have been cast members in my life. When life hits me with 'last call', i hope to slip under the radar and exit unnoticeably. But until that day comes, I'm gonna keep partying like it's 1999.

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